Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Salton Sea: The Accidental Sea

Kris and Scott's Scott and Kris Show

The previous Kris and Scott show, Blamimation, was hilarious so I'm glad that they're back in some fashion. Scott Kurtz cracks me up. Probably because fat equals funny.....and Scott Kurtz is FAT.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Films of Terrence Malick

The Films of Terrence Malick (MOMI, May 13-15) from Matt Zoller Seitz on Vimeo.

In preparation of seeing The Tree of Life next month, I've been re-watching Terrence Malick's previous films (there are only 4). His movies are definitely not for everyone, and I'm eager to hear people's reactions to Tree of Life since average movie-goers might actually go see it (thank you Brad Pitt).

Straw Dogs (Remake) - trailer

Looks like an exact remake, except that James Marsden is no Dustin Hoffman.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Real Steal - trailer

This is just silly. This movie has been made hundreds of times...but now it has robots. Great...

Thursday, May 5, 2011